Apple Story2008. 12. 24. 08:55
이건 맥월드 뿐만이 아닌, 다른 곳에서도 했던 큰 발표들을 모아봤다.

Macworld 2000 - Mac OS X

Macworld NY 2000 - Power Mac G4 Cube

Apple Music Event 2001 - iPod

Unknown Event 2001 - Steve Jobs' tour of the First Apple Store

Macworld 2002 - iMac G4

Apple Music Event 2003 - iTunes Store

Apple Expo Paris 2004 - iMac G5

Macworld 2006 - MacBook Pro

Macworld 2007 - iPhone

Macworld 2008 - MacBook Air

Posted by KudoKun